Reasons Why Too Much Sugar Is Bad for You

Sugar is fine in small amounts, but too much can lead to weight gain, acne, type 2 diabetes, and can increase the risk of several serious medical conditions.

From marinara sauce to peanut butter, added sugar is found in even the most unexpected products.

Many people rely on fast, processed foods for meals and snacks. Because these products often contain added sugars, they make up a large portion of their daily calorie intake.

In the United States, the average adult consumes about 17 teaspoons of added sugar every day. This amounts to 14% of the total calories consumed by an adult on a diet of 2,000 calories.

Experts think that consuming sugar plays a significant role in the development of many chronic illnesses, including type 2 diabetes and obesity.

That’s why dietary guidelines suggest limiting calories from added sugars to less than 10% per day.

Here are 9 reasons why eating too much sugar is bad for your health.

1. It Can Cause Weight Gain:

Obesity rates are increasing around the world and evidence suggests that added sugar – often from sugary drinks – is a major contributor to obesity.

Coke, juice, and sweet tea are examples of sugary beverages that are high in fructose, a form of simple sugar.

Compared to glucose, which is the primary sugar found in starchy foods, fructose consumption increases appetite and food cravings.

Additionally, animal studies show that excessive consumption of fructose can cause resistance to leptin, an important hormone that regulates hunger and tells the body to stop eating.

In other words, sugary drinks don’t curb hunger, making it easier to quickly consume large numbers of liquid calories. This can lead to weight gain.

Research shows that consuming sugary drinks is associated with weight gain and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Additionally, drinking a lot of sugary drinks is linked to greater amounts of visceral fat, a kind of abdominal fat associated with conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

2. May Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease:

Diets high in sugar have been linked to a higher risk of heart disease, the world’s leading cause of death, among other illnesses.

Evidence suggests that high-sugar diets can lead to obesity and inflammation, as well as high levels of triglycerides, blood sugar and blood pressure, all risk factors for heart disease.

Additionally, excessive sugar consumption, particularly sugary drinks, has been linked to atherosclerosis, a disease characterized by fatty deposits that clog the arteries.

A study of more than 25,877 adults found that people who consumed more added sugar had a higher risk of developing heart disease and coronary complications than people who consumed less added sugar.

Increasing sugar intake not only increases cardiovascular risk, but can also increase the risk of stroke.

In the same study, more than eight servings per week of sugary drinks were associated with an increased risk of stroke.

Just one 16-ounce can of soda contains 39 grams of sugar, which equates to 8 percent of your daily calorie intake, based on a 2,000-calorie diet.

This means that one sugary drink a day can bring you closer to your recommended daily limit of added sugars.

3. Linked to Acne:

Acne has been linked to a diet heavy in refined carbohydrates, which includes sugary meals and beverages.

Foods with a higher glycemic index, such as processed sweets, raise blood sugar more quickly than foods with a lower glycemic index.

Consuming sugary foods can cause a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to increased androgen secretion, oil production, and inflammation, all of which play a role in the development of acne.

Evidence has shown that low-GI diets are associated with a reduced risk of acne, while high-GI diets are linked to a higher risk of acne.

For example, one study of 24,452 participants found that consumption of fatty and sugary products, sugary drinks, and milk was associated with acne in adults.

Additionally, many population studies have shown that rural communities that consume traditional, unprocessed foods have much lower rates of acne than more urban, high-income areas where processed foods are part of a standard diet.

These findings coincide with the theory that diets high in processed foods and high in sugar contribute to the development of acne.


4. Increases Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes:

Diabetes is a major cause of mortality and reduced life expectancy. Its prevalence has more than doubled in the last 30 years and projections estimate that its burden will continue to increase.

Overindulgence in sugar has long been linked to a higher risk of developing diabetes.

While no studies have shown that sugar consumption causes diabetes, there are strong links.

Eating large amounts of sugar can indirectly increase your risk of diabetes by contributing to weight gain and increased body fat, both of which are risks for developing diabetes.

Diabetes is thought to have its highest risk factor in obesity, which is frequently brought on by consuming too much sugar.

Moreover, a prolonged sugar diet increases the body’s resistance to insulin, a pancreatic hormone that controls blood sugar levels.

Insulin resistance causes high blood sugar levels and significantly increases the risk of diabetes.

Additionally, research has found that people who drink sugary drinks are more likely to develop diabetes.

A study of individuals who drank sugary drinks over a period of more than 4 years found that increased consumption of sugary drinks – including soft drinks and 100% fruit juice – is associated with a higher risk of diabetes type 2.

5. May Increase Your Risk of Cancer:

Eating excessive amounts of sugar can increase your risk of developing certain cancers.

First, a diet high in sugary foods and drinks can lead to obesity, which significantly increases the risk of cancer.

Additionally, diets high in sugar increase inflammation in the body and can cause insulin resistance, both of which increase the risk of cancer.

A systematic review analyzing 37 prospective cohort studies found that in two of five studies on added sugar, a 60% – 95% increased cancer risk was observed with higher sugar intake.

The same review found that in 8 out of 15 studies on sugary foods and drinks, a 23% – 200% increase in cancer risk was observed with greater consumption of sugary drinks.

Other studies have found that sugar intake is linked to specific types of cancer.

A study of more than 22,720 men over a span of more than 9 years found that increased sugar consumption from sugary drinks was associated with a greater risk of prostate cancer.

Another study found that esophageal cancer was associated with increased consumption of sucrose, or table sugar, and desserts and sugary drinks.

Research on the link between added sugar intake and cancer is ongoing, and further studies are needed to fully understand this complex relationship.

6. May Increase Your Risk of Depression:

While a healthy diet can help improve mood, a diet high in added sugars and processed foods can contribute to changes in mood and emotions.

It may even increase your chances of developing depression.

High sugar consumption has been linked to cognitive impairment, memory problems, and emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Researchers believe that chronic systemic inflammation, insulin resistance, and a disrupted dopaminergic reward signaling system – which may be caused by increased sugar consumption – may contribute to sugar’s harmful impact on mental health.

Men who consumed 67 grams or more of sugar per day had a 23% higher risk of developing depression than men who consumed less than 40 grams, according to an 8,000-person study.

Another study of over 69,000 women showed that those with the highest intake of added sugars had a significantly greater risk of depression, compared to those with the lowest intake.

7. May Accelerate the Skin Aging Process:

Wrinkles are a natural sign of skin aging. They appear eventually, regardless of your health.

However, poor food choices can worsen wrinkles and accelerate the skin’s aging process.

Compounds known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are created when sugar and proteins interact within the body. They may be a major factor in the aging of the skin.

Consuming a diet rich in refined carbohydrates and sugars leads to the production of AGEs, which can cause premature aging of the skin.

AGEs damage collagen and elastin, which are proteins that help skin stretch and maintain its youthful appearance.

When collagen and elastin are damaged, the skin loses its firmness and begins to sag.

To completely comprehend the relationship between sugar and alterations in human skin, more research is required.

Skin Aging

8. Can Increase Cellular Aging:

Telomeres are structures found at the end of chromosomes, which are molecules that contain some or all of your genetic information.

Telomeres act like protective caps, preventing chromosomes from deteriorating or fusing together.

As we age, telomeres naturally shorten, causing cells to age and malfunction.

While telomere shortening is a normal aspect of aging, some lifestyle decisions can hasten the process.

Consuming high amounts of sugar has been shown to accelerate the shortening of telomeres, which increases cellular aging.

A pilot study of 61 preschoolers found that an increase in sugary drink consumption was associated with a decrease in telomere length, indicating cellular aging.

9. Drains Your Energy:

Foods high in added sugars rapidly increase blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to increased energy.

However, this increase in energy levels is fleeting.

Products high in sugar but low in protein, fiber or fat lead to a brief energy boost followed quickly by a sharp drop in blood sugar, often called a crash.

Having constant swings in blood sugar can lead to noticeable fluctuations in energy levels.

A meta-analysis examining the effect of sugar on mood found that consuming carbohydrates, particularly sugar, reduced alertness within 60 minutes of consumption and increased fatigue within 30 minutes of consumption.

To avoid this energy drain cycle, choose carbohydrate sources that are low in added sugars and high in fiber.

Pairing carbohydrates with protein or fat is another great way to keep blood sugar and energy levels stable.

For example, eating an apple along with a handful of almonds is a great snack for sustained and consistent energy levels.

The bottom line:

Consuming excess added sugar can have a number of detrimental effects on health.

Consuming too many sugar-filled foods and beverages can cause dangerous conditions like weight gain, blood sugar issues, and an increased risk of heart disease.

For these reasons, added sugars should be kept to a minimum whenever possible, which is easy to do when eating a nutrient-rich, whole foods-based diet.

If you need to eliminate added sugars from your diet, try some of the small changes listed above.

Your sugar habit will be history before you realize it.

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