
1. Brow raiser:

The eyebrow lifter helps to revive your eyebrows and keep them in place. Aging and constant twitching can cause your eyebrows to droop, but with a few simple steps you can get them to behave and stay raised. Tight eyebrows are a desirable trait for most women, and this is how you can achieve them.

Join your index and middle fingers together
Place your fingers just above your eyebrows and push the skin down
Make your eyebrows go up and down; meanwhile add tension with your fingers pushing down
Repeat this for six sets with 10 eyebrow raises and lowerings per set

2. Wink n’ Hold:

The winking technique helps fight lines and wrinkles in the under-eye area.

Don’t worry if you can’t blink because you only have to partially close your eyes to do so!
Hold the partial wink for a second.
Make sure you contact all the muscles around the blinking eye. Release slowly.
Repeat this 20-25 times in a single set. Don’t overdo it, just one a day is enough.

3. Cheekbone lift:

I get jealous of two things that men have that I don’t have. Their naturally long eyelashes (why does a guy need that, anyway?) and sky-high cheekbones! These kids can interrupt any awkward conversation, they are so smart! You too can get sharper definition on your cheekbones with these simple steps!

Bring your index and middle fingers together and place them on each cheekbone.
Gently lift the skin until it is slightly taut.
Open your mouth to form an oval “O” shape; there will be resistance in the cheek muscles.
Hold the lift for five seconds.
Repeat these steps for 10-15 sets for defined cheekbones.

Cheekbone lift

4. Eye toning:

Have your droopy eyelids made you feel conscious, but you don’t want to resort to Botox? This series of exercises will help you with this. It also works well on crow’s feet, bags under the eyes and puffiness. Follow these simple steps to gently tone your eye area.

Place your index and middle fingers in a “V” shape over your eyes. Press and hold both middle fingers together at the inner corner of your eyebrows. With your index fingers, apply pressure to the outer edges of your eyebrows.
Look at the ceiling and lift your lower eyelids up to squeeze tight; Relax.
Perform this movement at least six more times and finish the series by squeezing your eyes shut for 10 seconds.

5. Cheek plumping:

Elastic and plump skin gives us the youthful charm we had as teenagers! You can plump up your skin by lifting the creases around your nose. It’s a simple technique that involves smiling like a maniac, so we suggest doing it yourself!

Start by smiling as widely as possible. Press on the creases between your nose and lips with your fingertips.
Lift your cheek muscles by pressing down to create resistance. Be sure to keep your fingertips still to avoid overloading your hand.
Do this for two or three minutes, taking well-spaced breaks. This will help strengthen your cheek muscles!

6. Cheek squeeze:

Duck faces are the stuff of silly selfies, but fish faces are pure beauty! If you want to sculpt your face to make your features stand out, this is the way to do it. Saggy cheeks disappear and what remains is a slimmer-looking face; here’s how you can do it!

She starts by tilting her head all the way back. Push your chin forward, being careful not to strain your neck too much.
Suck in your cheeks and make a fish face, make sure you don’t bite your lips or tongue.
Do this for 10-15 sets with five seconds of “fish face” in each round.

7. Forehead fine-tuning:

Has stressing out more than necessary made you wince at the screen? The forehead is one of the first places where wrinkles appear, but a single exercise can resolve them immediately. The best thing about this exercise is that you can do it anywhere without making funny faces. With just a few steps, you can perform this facial exercise by making a surprised face. Acting surprised can smooth out fine lines and wrinkles on your forehead. Keep your forehead frozen, widen your eyes as much as possible and repeat 8-10 times in a day and you’re done!

Forehead fine-tuning

8. Double chin workout:

You can blame a muscle called the platysma for giving you that not-so-cute double chin in pictures. This muscle connects the jaw to the shoulders, and loosening it causes sagging skin in the neck. These quick facial exercises will make them tense again. These will help you tone your neck, chin and jaw area:

Stand or sit with your back straight, choose the position that is most comfortable for you. Look at the ceiling and tilt your head all the way back.
Keeping your head still, touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue. You should feel a slight stinging pain in your neck due to the muscles contracting.
Slowly let go and return your chin to its normal position. Repeat this motion in sets of five, with each set lasting approximately 25-30 seconds of tongue holding.

9. Facial yoga:

Facial yoga works on tightening the muscles of the face and neck. It also improves blood circulation and tones facial muscles. All it takes is a simple breathing exercise and you’re good to go. Take a deep breath through your mouth while maintaining a straight posture. Hold your breath in your cheeks, puffing them out. Exhale and repeat 8-10 times.

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