10 Common Food Additives — Should You Avoid

Take a look at the ingredients label of almost any food in your kitchen pantry and there’s a good chance you’ll spot a food additive.

They are used to improve the flavor, appearance or texture of a product or to extend its shelf life.

Some of these substances have been associated with adverse health effects and should be avoided, while others are safe and can be consumed with minimal risk.

Here are 10 of the most common food additives, plus tips on which ones to keep out of your diet.

1. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG):

Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is a common food additive used to intensify and improve the flavor of savory dishes.

It is found in a variety of processed foods such as frozen dinners, savory snacks, and canned soups. It is also often added to foods in restaurants and fast food outlets.

Monosodium glutamate has been the subject of heated controversy since a 1969 study in mice found that large amounts caused harmful neurological effects and impaired growth and development.

However, this additive is likely to have little to no effect on human brain health as it is unable to cross the blood brain barrier.

In some observational studies, MSG consumption has also been associated with weight gain and metabolic syndrome, although other research has found no association.

That said, some people have a sensitivity to MSG and may experience symptoms such as headache, sweating, and numbness after eating a large amount.

In one study, 61 people who reported being sensitive to MSG were given 5 grams of MSG or a placebo.

Interestingly, 36% experienced an adverse reaction to MSG while only 25% reported a reaction to placebo, so sensitivity to MSG may be a legitimate concern for some people.

If you experience any negative side effects after consuming MSG, it is best to keep it out of your diet.

Otherwise, if you are able to tolerate MSG, you can safely consume it in moderation without the risk of negative side effects.

2. Artificial Food Coloring:

Artificial food coloring is used to brighten and improve the appearance of everything from candy to seasonings.

In recent years, however, there have been many concerns about potential health effects. Specific food colors such as Blue 1, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 have been associated with allergic reactions in some people.

Additionally, one review reported that artificial food colors may promote hyperactivity in children, although another study showed that some children may be more sensitive than others.

Concerns have also been raised about the potential carcinogenic effects of some food colourings.

In some animal studies it has been shown that red 3, also known as erythrosine, increases the risk of thyroid tumors, so much so that it is replaced by red 40 in most foods.

However, numerous animal studies have found that other food dyes are not associated with any carcinogenic effects.

However, more research is needed to evaluate the safety and potential health effects of artificial food colors for humans.

Regardless, food dyes are mostly found in processed foods, which should be limited in a healthy diet. Always opt for whole foods, rich in important nutrients and naturally free of artificial food colourings.

Artificial Food Coloring

3. Sodium Nitrite:

Frequently found in processed meats, sodium nitrite acts as a preservative to prevent the growth of bacteria while also adding a salty flavor and reddish-pink color.

When exposed to high heat and in the presence of amino acids, nitrites can turn into nitrosamine, a compound that can have many negative health effects.

One review showed that higher intakes of nitrites and nitrosamines were associated with a higher risk of stomach cancer.

Many other studies have found a similar association, reporting that higher consumption of processed meats may be linked to a higher risk of colorectal, breast, and bladder cancer.

Other studies suggest that exposure to nitrosamines may also be linked to a higher incidence of type 1 diabetes, although findings are inconsistent.

However, it is best to keep your intake of sodium nitrite and processed meats to a minimum. Try replacing processed meats like bacon, sausage, hot dogs and ham with unprocessed meats and healthy sources of protein.

Chicken, beef, fish, pork, legumes, nuts, eggs, and tempeh are just a few delicious high-protein foods you can add to your diet in place of processed meats.

4. Guar Gum:

Guar gum is a long-chain carbohydrate used to thicken and bind foods. It is widely used in the food industry and can be found in ice cream, salad dressings, sauces and soups.

Guar gum is rich in fiber and has been associated with numerous health benefits. For example, one study showed that it reduces irritable bowel syndrome symptoms such as bloating and constipation.

A review of three studies also found that people who took guar gum with a meal had greater satiety and ate fewer calories from snacks throughout the day.

Other research suggests that guar gum may also help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

However, high amounts of guar gum can have adverse health effects.

This is because it can swell to 10 to 20 times its size, potentially causing problems such as obstruction of the esophagus or small intestine.

Guar gum can also cause mild symptoms such as gas, bloating, or cramps in some people.

However, guar gum is generally considered safe in moderation.

Additionally, the FDA has established strict guidelines on the amount of guar gum that can be added to foods to minimize the risk of negative side effects.

5. High-Fructose Corn Syrup:

High fructose corn syrup is a corn-based sweetener. It is often found in sodas, fruit juices, candies, breakfast cereals and snacks.

It contains a lot of fructose, a type of simple sugar that, in large amounts, can have detrimental effects on one’s health.

Specifically, there is a connection between weight gain and diabetes and high fructose corn syrup.

Thirty-two participants in a study drank a beverage sweetened with fructose or glucose for ten weeks.

Compared to the glucose-sweetened drink, the fructose-sweetened drink resulted in significantly higher blood sugar and belly fat levels at the conclusion of the study, as well as lower insulin sensitivity.

Studies on animals and in test tubes have also revealed that fructose can cause inflammation in cells.

It is thought that a number of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, are largely caused by inflammation.

Additionally, high fructose corn syrup adds empty calories and added sugars to foods without any of the important vitamins and minerals your body needs.

It is best to stay away from high fructose corn syrup-containing foods and sugary snacks.

Select whole, unprocessed foods instead, and use stevia, yacon syrup, or fresh fruit to sweeten them instead of added sugar.

6. Artificial Sweeteners:

Artificial sweeteners are used in many diet foods and drinks to increase sweetness while reducing calorie content.

Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium are frequently used.

Artificial sweeteners have been shown in studies to help control blood sugar levels and promote weight loss.

According to one study, subjects who took a supplement containing artificial sweeteners for ten weeks consumed fewer calories and gained less weight and body fat than subjects who took regular sugar.

Another study found that taking sucralose for three months had no impact on 128 diabetics’ ability to control their blood sugar.

Keep in mind that some types of artificial sweeteners like aspartame can cause headaches in some people, and studies show that some individuals may be more sensitive to its effects.

But when taken in moderation, artificial sweeteners are generally regarded as safe for most people.

But, carefully read ingredient labels and cut back on your intake if using artificial sweeteners causes unpleasant side effects.

Artificial Sweeteners

7. Carrageenan:

Derived from red algae, carrageenan acts as a thickener, emulsifier, and preservative in many different food products.

Almond milk, cottage cheese, ice cream, coffee creamers, and dairy-free goods like vegan cheese are common sources of carrageenan.

Concerns regarding the safety and possible health effects of this common food additive have existed for decades.

According to one study on animals, exposure to carrageenan exacerbated glucose intolerance and fasting blood sugar levels, particularly when coupled with a high-fat diet.

Studies on animals and in test tubes have discovered that carrageenan also causes inflammation.

Additionally thought to be detrimental to digestive health, carrageenan has been linked to the development of intestinal growths and ulcers.

One small study found that when people in remission from ulcerative colitis took a supplement containing carrageenan, they experienced relapse earlier than those taking a placebo.

Sadly, there is still a dearth of information on the effects of carrageenan, and more research is required to fully understand potential human health risks.

If you choose to cut back on your consumption of carrageenan, you can locate brands and products free of the substance online thanks to a wealth of resources.

8. Sodium Benzoate:

Sodium benzoate is a preservative often added to carbonated drinks and acidic foods such as salad dressings, pickles, fruit juices and condiments.

The FDA has declared it to be generally safe, but a number of studies have revealed possible adverse effects that need to be taken into account.

For instance, one study discovered that giving 3-year-olds artificial food coloring and sodium benzoate together increased their hyperactivity.

Another study showed that higher consumption of drinks containing sodium benzoate was associated with more ADHD symptoms in 475 college students.

Sodium benzoate can also be transformed into benzene, a substance linked to the emergence of cancer, when it is combined with vitamin C.

Carbonated drinks contain the highest concentration of benzene, and diet or sugar-free drinks are even more prone to benzene formation.

One study that analyzed benzene concentrations in a variety of foods found samples of cola and coleslaw with more than 100 ppb of benzene, which is more than 20 times the maximum contaminant level set by the EPA for drinking water.

To minimize your sodium benzoate intake, check your food labels carefully.

Avoid foods that contain ingredients such as benzoic acid, benzene, or benzoate, especially if combined with a source of vitamin C such as citric acid or ascorbic acid.

9. Trans Fat:

Trans fats are unsaturated fats that have been hydrogenated to lengthen their shelf life and enhance their texture.

It is present in a wide variety of processed foods, including cookies, margarine, popcorn that has been microwaved, and baked goods.

A number of potential health risks have been associated with the intake of trans fats, and the FDA also recently decided to revoke their GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status.

In particular, numerous studies have linked higher trans fat intake to a higher risk of heart disease.

One study found that consuming foods high in trans fats increases several markers of inflammation, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.

There may be a link between trans fats and diabetes, according to research.

A large study of 84,941 women even showed that a high intake of trans fats was associated with a 40% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Eliminating processed foods from your diet is the simplest and most effective way to reduce your trans fat intake.

You can also make some easy dietary adjustments, like switching to butter from margarine and coconut or olive oil in place of vegetable oils.

10. Xanthan Gum:

Xanthan gum is a common additive used to thicken and stabilize many types of foods such as salad dressings, soups, syrups and sauces.

It is also sometimes used in gluten-free recipes to help improve the texture of foods.

Xanthan gum has been associated with numerous health benefits.

One study found that consuming rice with added xanthan gum led to lower blood sugar levels than consuming rice without the gum.

Another study also found that eating xanthan gum for six weeks reduced blood sugar and cholesterol levels, as well as increased feelings of satiety.

There hasn’t been much recent research on xanthan gum’s possible advantages, though.

Additionally, consuming large amounts of xanthan gum may also be linked to digestive problems, such as increased stool production, gas, and loose stools.

For most people, however, xanthan gum is generally safe and well tolerated.

If you experience negative symptoms after eating xanthan gum, it is best to reduce your intake or consider eliminating it from your diet.

The bottom line:

While some food additives have been linked to some pretty scary side effects, there are many others that can be safely consumed as part of a healthy diet.

Start reading ingredient labels when you shop to take control of your diet and determine what’s actually added to your favorite foods.

Also, try cutting back on processed and packaged foods and incorporating more fresh ingredients into your diet to minimize your intake of food additives.

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