Best Protein Bars For Pcos

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a problem with hormones that occurs during the reproductive years. If you have PCOS, you may not have your period very often. Alternatively, you might experience multi-day periods. It’s also possible that your body contains an excess of the androgen hormone.

“With PCOS, numerous small pockets of fluid develop along the outer edge of the ovary. These are called cysts. The small, fluid-filled cysts contain immature eggs. These are called follicles. The follicles fail to release eggs regularly.”

The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment, along with weight loss, can reduce the risk of long-term complications such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.


Symptoms of PCOS often begin around the time of your first menstrual period. Sometimes symptoms develop later, after you’ve had your period for a while.

The symptoms of PCOS vary. A diagnosis of PCOS is made when you have at least two of these:

  • Irregular periods: Having few periods or having irregular cycles are common signs of PCOS. The same goes for periods that last many days or longer than normal for a menstrual cycle. For example, you may have fewer than nine cycles per year. And these periods can occur more than 35 days apart. You may have difficulty getting pregnant.
  • Too many androgens: High levels of the hormone androgen can cause excess hair on the face and body. This is called hirsutism. Severe acne and male pattern baldness can also sometimes occur.
  • Polycystic ovaries: Your ovaries may be larger. Many follicles containing immature eggs may develop around the edge of the ovary. Your ovaries may not be working as they should.

Protein Bars for PCOS:

As a dietitian, I believe in “food first”. However, we all have busy days where a healthy snack of hummus and veggies or an apple with peanut butter just isn’t possible. You know the kind of days where you get stuck in a work meeting, forget your snack at home, or experience major traffic delays. Furthermore, the majority of women with PCOS are well aware that severe carb cravings can strike after an extended period of fasting! These days, wouldn’t it be useful to have a snack in your car or on your desk? Bars of healthy energy to the rescue! This is an update to my post on the best energy bars for PCOS that I wrote.

Best Protein Bars For Pcos

What to Look for in an Protein Bar for PCOS?

Protein bars have come a long way. Food companies are producing bars with fewer additives, fewer artificial sweeteners and overall healthier ingredients in response to consumer demand. But it can still be difficult to know which bar to choose because there are so many to choose from. The good news is that many bars actually contain PCOS-healthy ingredients, including nuts and seeds, fiber (natural and added like inulin or chicory root), protein, and even cocoa and dark chocolate!

The Best Protein Bars For PCOS Contain Some/Or All Of The Following:

  • 200 calories or less for a snack. The exact calories depend on your individual needs, but this is a good place to start.
  • 20-25 grams of carbohydrates or less. I find that many women tend to get caught up in finding a bar with the lowest amount of carbs. But be careful because low-carb bars tend to contain artificial sweeteners.
  • 15 grams of protein or more.
  • At least 4 g of fiber. But be careful because some bars contain so much fiber that you may feel like your intestines are about to explode!
  • No artificial sweeteners
  • At least 8 grams of fat. Gone are the days of fat phobia. We know that fat is good for us for many reasons. Nuts and seeds provide the healthiest types of fats.
  • As little added sugar as possible (note: most labels still don’t list “added sugars”)
  • Fewer additives as possible
  • Bonus: other healthy ingredients like chia seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, cocoa, dark chocolate.
  • Good taste: Taste is totally a matter of personal preference. Some people like crunchy bars, others chewy ones, and still others soft ones.
Best Protein Bars For Pcos

Best Protein Bars For PCOS:

Health Warrior- Dark
Chocolate Peanut
Pumpkin Seed GF 180 13 11 2 8 6 (honey)

Primal Kitchen Dark
Chocolate Almond
Bars GF 230 16 13 6 15 3 (honey, monk fruit)

Go Raw Pumpkin
Seed Sprouted, GF 240 16 16 5 9 5 (dates, agave)

Fodly Bars Dark
Chocolate Sea Salt,
GF 210 14 16 3 6 7 ( brown rice syrup, maple syrup)

Simply Protein
Coconut Whey GF 150 3 18 5 15 4 (brown rice syrup, glycerin)

22 Days Peanut
Butter Choc Chip GF 170 4.5 22 9 15 5 (tapioca syrup, agave, stevia)

Health Warrior
Protein Peanut
Butter Cacao GF 200 9 25 7 11 9 (brown rice syrup, agave)

RX Bar Mint
Chocolate 210 9 23 5 12 13 (dates)

Lara Bars Nut & Seed
Maple Cinnamon GF 190 13 14 3 5 7 (honey, maple syrup)

Dales Raw Foods
S’Mores GF 246 14 15 7 22 5 (date paste, coconut nectar)

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