How To Get Rid of Tongue Piercing Crater

Piercing craters occur when the tissue around the piercing site is damaged and cannot heal properly. This can occur due to improper piercing, poor aftercare, jewelry allergies, or underlying health conditions. Prompt treatment is essential because neglecting them can result in discomfort, inflammation, and infection.

“We will look at tongue piercing crater removal techniques, as well as the causes of piercing craters, in this blog post.”

How to Get Rid of Tongue Piercing Crater: 10 Remedies

People who get tongue piercings often lead to an unsightly indentation known as a tongue piercing crater. The situation can create difficulties in speaking and eating and can be an anxiety-inducing situation for many. There are several ways to remove these craters, be it home remedies or professional medical procedures.

5 home and natural remedies:

Many patients prefer to start with home remedies even though professional medical procedures offer a more effective and efficient way to remove tongue piercing craters. These remedies include:

  • Antibiotic ointments: Antibiotic ointments are a good choice for people with mild perforating craters on the tongue. The ointment works by preventing infection and reducing inflammation, which can help heal the hole.
  • Salt Water Rinses: Salt water rinses can work wonders in the initial stages of tongue piercing crater formation. Salt water helps reduce inflammation and promote healing, allowing the body’s natural healing processes to take over.
  • Tea Tree Oil: A powerful antimicrobial and reducing substance that can soothe and heal tongue piercing crater. Apply a few drops to the affected area and leave for a few minutes before rinsing.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is another powerful natural healing agent to heal tongue piercing craters. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the affected area, while its hydrating properties promote healing.
  • Practice good oral hygiene: Proper oral hygiene, including brushing your teeth and rinsing with salt water, can help keep your piercing clean and reduce the risk of infection.
Antibiotic Ointment

5 Professional medical procedures:

While home remedies can be a great first step, professional medical procedures are often necessary for more serious tongue piercing craters. These procedures include:

  • Laser Scar Removal: Scar removal with laser technology is a procedure that uses high-intensity lasers to break down scar tissue and promote the growth of new tissue. The process can reduce the appearance of tongue-piercing craters.
  • Dermal Grafting: Dermal grafting involves transferring skin from one part of the body to the affected area. This can help fill the crater and promote healing.
  • Cryotherapy: A process that freezes scar tissue to encourage the growth of new tissue. This procedure can help reduce craters caused by tongue piercings.
  • Incision and drainage: In severe cases of tongue-piercing craters, incision and drainage may be necessary. This involves cutting the affected area and draining any fluid or pus present, allowing the site to heal properly.
  • Consult a piercer: If the piercing has been placed incorrectly, consulting a piercer can help identify the problem and provide solutions. They can also offer advice on choosing aftercare and jewelry.

7 Reasons for Tongue Piercing Crater Formation:

Tongue-piercing craters can be a common occurrence. A tongue-piercing crater can occur in some people for a variety of reasons.

  • Jewelry Size: If the jewelry in your tongue piercing is too small for your tongue, it can form a crater. Jewelry can sink into the tongue, causing pressure on surrounding tissues.
  • Incorrect piercing technique: If your piercer does not follow correct piercing techniques, it can form a crater. For example, they may have pierced their tongue too deeply or at the wrong angle.
  • Oral hygiene: Lack of good oral hygiene can cause a buildup of bacteria around the piercing site, resulting in infection and crater formation.
  • Allergic reactions: People may react allergically to the metal used in tongue piercing jewelry, causing irritation and crater formation.
  • Smoke: Smoking can also lead to the formation of a crater. The chemicals in cigarettes delay healing and increase the risk of infection.
  • Gum recession: If you have a tongue piercing for a long time, it can cause gum recession. This happens when the gums around the piercing site pull away from the teeth, creating a crater.
  • Scar tissue: These tissues can form around the piercing site, causing a crater to form. Scar tissue can be caused by trauma to the area or improper healing.
Gum Recession


Tongue piercing craters should be removed as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the tongue and ensure good oral health. Alternative methods can help lessen the swelling and irritation brought on by the tongue piercing crater, even though surgical procedures are the most common method of removing them.

“Infections and other complications during removal must be prevented by following the right procedures. If you experience any problems with your tongue piercing, seek advice from a dentist immediately.”

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